We are

An indie video game studio that puts blockchain technology at the service of the player to generate benefits while enjoying.
We are focused on the creation of video games based on the new "Play and Earn" technology in which users can generate profits while playing. We take into account the quality of our projects to generate a fun and satisfying experience for the player.

We are finishing the development of our first videogame Exobots: Omens of Steel, while working on the second project.

Exobots: Omens of Steel
Exobots: Omens of Steel, is our first game . A digital collectable card game with turn based fights. Beta it’s available for Android/iOS, PC and MacOS. You can fight with your own 3 robots squad to forge your legend in Metron City. Enjoy the wide and rich experience the game offers through its different features and earn while you do it.


Metrobots participates in the trade mission to Indonesia and Vietnam organized by the Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de Murcia and co-financed by INFO and the European Union
Our objective was to promote our products and expand our market in Southeast Asian countries.

Metrobots wins one of the Premios Emprendedor del Mes granted by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia
The awards granted by the Instituto de Fomento reward creativity, innovation and leadership in the Murcia Region.

Metrobots enters the program to support innovative companies of the Info Region of Murcia
Instituto de Fomento from Region of Murcia has choose Metrobots as one of the companies for its support program for innovating companies.
contact us
Are you interested in working with us? Want to know more about Metrobots Games? We will love to hear from you.
We are always interested in adding new talents to our projects. Our fields of interest are:
- 2D and 3D artist
- UX design
- Game design
- Unity developers
- Solidity developers

Metrobots Games ha sido beneficiario del programa de ayudas del Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia para la realización de proyectos empresariales en las fases de creación y consolidación de empresas con potencial tecnológico y escalables en el Marco de la Estrategia RIS4 Región de Murcia 2021-2027, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional